
haha.....i'm back!
accordin' my plan,i shouldn't show up here now,
but,i can't stand it anymore....ccc
(alright,i admit that i'm a poorly self-controled man^^")
to be honestly,todoy is a special day cuz i am here^^
the simulated-exam was over today.....
just as usual,i did it badly again> i think the scores i get will be very terrible!!
the average points might be less than 30 > what a "amazing" score is !!
i spent the whole night to study the chemistry,
expected to do it well,but i failed it> but i realize that the most important thing!
i believe that i will do better next time~!!

why am i not a ABC?
the english part is alien to me almostly in this test!!
for the friends who are ABC,it's like a piece of cake! god> if i were abc,i could have more time to pay more attention to other
subjects as physics . chemistry....even chinese!!how fine it would be!!
remember i joined the summer camps last year and three years ago,
many people considered that i was abc.....that's interesting^^

haha.....actually,my english is a result,if u feel st strange
in my blog,do not hesitate,i'm wrong!!plz tell me....
that's crucial to me!!thx.....

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